Week Three for Jess
Week Two for Jess
Tuesday: 2 mile easy Done!Thursday: 5 mile speed work (warm;2x1600 in 9:22w/800jogs;cool) Done!Sunday: 6 miles long run(10K recap coming soon!)Done!
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 2 mile easy
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 5 mile tempo (warm;3 miles @ 10:07;cool)
Friday: rest
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 7 miles long run
total: 14 miles
Week Two for Jess
Monday: rest
Wednesday: rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: rest
total: 13 miles
Reflection on last week's running:
This last week went great. I have loved doing the speed work, this has been the first time that I have incorporated it consistantly and I can already see the difference. As I mentioned before, I chose to use the Runners World training program but I am still incorporating racing into a few of my long runs through out the next few months. I know I need to do some cross training but I am struggling to find the time.
Week Two for Katie:
I am going to keep it a bit simple and just lay out my running goals for the week, but I do plan to do a couple extras, too (ie workout video and some strength/abs). I plan to run a 3, a 3.5 and a 5 mile this week. I feel like 5 is pushing it for where I am at currently but I also feel like I need the challenge! As an added bonus, I would like to challenge myself to run 4 times this week, not just 3. Stay tuned!
Reflection on last weeks training:
"Week two is going to look pretty similar to week 1, actually. I plan to run 3 miles once, 3.5 miles once and 4.5 miles once. I get in my 45 mins of stretch/strength/abs during Biggest Loser on Tuesday and my Jillian video. Just picking up a little distance this week, slowly but surely. I really want to try and get to a local track in the next couple weeks to do a speed workout, I haven't done many of these! So we'll see (Jess-I need tips!)."
Okay, this week was a bit unexpected in a lot of ways. To start, I completely failed on my training goals, but I had to conclude that sometimes things happen and you're not always going to be able to meet your goals as expected. That was my week. For those who don't know, I am a birth doula, a wonderful, rewarding and challenging job. This week, I just so happened to have two mamas go into labor back-to-back. I was at a birth Tuesday night throughWednesday afternoon and again Thursday evening through very early Friday morning. Needless to say, I was exhausted and unable to get in my workouts as hoped. Not that I am complaining, I am wouldn't change it for the world! I didn't manage to get in my "long" run of 4.5 miles but I was able to get in the two other runs which I am happy about given the circumstances. I do, however, expect this week to be a lot better.
Good job Jess and Katie! Jess, I really love speed work too and I do think it makes you faster. I just started to do tempo runs in addition to intervals and I like those too. Katie, totally understand about life happening. It seems like every time I make a schedule the kids get sick and it throws me off...like right now!