Tomorrow is June 1st. How did that happen? I tend to measure years in "school years", because I'm a teacher. Right now feels like the end of the year. Summer has this weird sense of being suspended time, a season outside of the year. This summer will be extra special.
This summer my family and I will travel to Mexico, to a sweet place called San Miguel de Allende. We will be away from home a total of five weeks! Last night, during our date, my hubs and I talked through what we wanted that family time to look like. I am so excited to share with you all the day to day life in San Miguel but also share with you my newest challenge. This isn't one you sign up for. There are no prizes. It simply is 60 days, a list of yummy foods, and intentional eating. Sound like a plan? I'm starting tomorrow and will continue on our trip until I am back home.

1,2,3's of the 60 Day Healthful Eating Challenge:
1. This is just a little something I'm doing for me. If you'd like to join me...great! But there's no sign ups, prizes, or punishment. It's about real life, real food, and treating your body kindly.
2. My goal is to eat 3 different "superfoods" each day. I plan to document it on Instagram. Feel free to follow me there: @jlrosu and, I'd love to follow you back. I will also be sharing a recipe from my week each Friday.
3. The idea of superfoods is debatable, here's an interesting article on the topic. However, I will be using these below tools as resources on incorporating new, nutrient dense foods into my diet. I will also be focusing on variety, as it is the spice of life.
What is a superfood:
su·per·food / ˈsoōpərˌfoōd/ • n. (not in technical use) a natural food regarded as especially beneficial because of its nutrient profile or its health-protecting qualities: he touts broccoli sprouts and salmon as two of the most perfect superfoods. Helpful website: superfoods Helpful app: app I'm using Helpful picture: more info at this site
Cheers to going further and deeper into healthy living!