Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 #runchat Blog Awards

We are throwing it out there that we would LOVE to be nominated for a 2011 #runchat Blog Award. A nomination for "Best New Running Blog" would be simply amazing! If you have a chance, head over to the runchat website, follow the directions and nominate us (and a few of your other favorite running blogs while you're at it!).

You have to vote for 3, so here is how we're voting:

Thanks to all our friends and followers...pass it on!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

100 Things To Do In 2012

I work well with a to-do list. Something about crossing items off gives me a deep level of satisfaction. And with the desire to put my crazy OCD ways on display...I even color coded my 2012 list just for you! Red is for my health and fitness goals, orange for family, yellow for home, green is for travel, blue for self-improvement, and purple is for my professional/work goals. 

Okay, go ahead and judge for the rainbow order, that is a bit over the top...and no, seeking professional help for my to-do list obsession is not making the list this year. 

Some of the items are lofty goals, others are daily improvements, I know that some I will certainly (God willing) check off, and others are only just a hope. Regardless, I cannot WAIT for 2012, I love a fresh start, the endless possibilities, and the unknown adventures waiting!!!! 

Interested in making a to-do list for yourself this year? Read below for tips to make it successful.

2012 To-Do List
  1. Invest in a new pair of running shoes
  2. Give up my daily trip to the coffee shop,coffee at home daily
  3. Limit myself to one cup of coffee daily (post cleanse)
  4. Run a spring half-marathon in under 2:15
  5. Check out the local running club at least once
  6. Continue to workout with Maggie on a regular basis
  7. Compete in a triathlon (olympic distance)
  8. Run fall half-marathon (time goal TBD)
  9. Buy organic, especially the dirty dozen
  10. Continue to use MyFitnessPal calorie counter through 2012
  11. Use a legit training plan and stick to it
  12. Cross train
  13. Meet with Dr. Moore(back sergeant) and talk over future marathon goal.
  14. Lose 15 pounds.
  15. Maintain 15 pound weight loss :)
  16. Check off 3 books from my "running reading list"
  17. Drink 64 oz of water daily
  18. Participate in the remainder of my 12 in 12 races
  19. PR in a 10k
  20. PR in a 5k
  21. Read and participate in UltraMind Solution 6 week cleanse (I'll explain, I promise)
  22. Do quarterly cleanses/detoxes
  23. Buy a juicer and use it!
  24. Take daily supplements
  25. Schedule monthly massages
  26. Continue to have a date night each week (best night of my week)
  27. Do something daily to show Justin how much I love and appreciate him
  28. Check myself weekly, are my actions showing Justin that he is my first priority? (will record in my journal)
  29. Make Addison's first year book
  30. Do goal setting dates every season with Justin (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
  31. Sign Addison up for swim lessons
  32. Have Sarah come twice a week this summer
  33. Schedule Mackenzie's first dentist appointment (sooner rather than later)
  34. Sign Mackenzie up for ballet 
  35. Schedule vet appointment for Ellie
  36. Get Ellie groomed more than twice in 2012
  37. Knit the names onto our Christmas stockings
  38. Read Revolutionary Parenting
  39. Listen to the Pritchard's CD again
  40. Schedule one "Family Fun Night" weekly
  41. Write our anniversary letter on time this year!
  42. Register Mackenzie for preschool (tear)
  43. Get Mackenzie out of nighttime diapers (finish potty training)
  44. Start devotions with Mackenzie (need to seek some wisdom on this one, for age appropriateness, tips)
  45. Organize the coat & linen closet with a closet system,
  46. Decorate the girls' room
  47. Prepare dining room cabinet to hold china 
  48. Build Mackenzie a new bed
  49. Organize girls' closet with labels (yes, I have a label maker, it is a thing of beauty)
  50. Recover dining room chairs
  51. Paint Master bedroom
  52. Organize my closet with a system
  53. Have custom bookshelf created in den
  54. Sew new pillows for couches
  55. Get blinds for kitchen
  56. Buy canning supplies (the legit stuff) and use it :)
  57. Rugs for living room, kitchen, and den
  58. Keep the top of the refrigerator clean and clear
  59. Buy compost container for kitchen
  60. Touch up exterior paint
  61. Remove sick tree
  62. Create photo shelf/ledge in living room and pick photos that will be displayed
  63. Clear and level side yard to hold trailer
  64. Plant low maintenance garden this year
  65. Have a garage sale in June.
  66. Organize drawers in bathroom
  67. Redo drapes
  68. Sew quilts for the girls
  69. Build part of our fence
  70. Plant fall bulbs
  71. Plan out our trip to Mexico this summer
  72. Save for our Mexico trip
  73. Get a new bathing suit for trip to Florida :)
  74. Family road trip with airstream (this is lofty)
  75. Help plan Mackenzie and Daddy's first backpacking adventure 
  76. Get car ready to pull airstream
  77. Take 3 trips away with by girlfriends
  78. Host a get together at our house
  79. Take off my makeup each night (I am SO  bad at this)
  80. Create time each day to read my bible
  81. Memorize a scripture each month
  82. Read another book my Brennan Manning, haven't picked which one yet
  83. Journal
  84. Support the local farmers market
  85. Go through my closet and donate my unwanted/unused things
  86. Volunteer my time, either with my students or with YoungLife
  87. Buy gifts locally for birthdays and Christmas. 
  88. Write thank you cards on a monthly basis
  89. Continue to complete the steps of Financial Peace University
  90. Check off 3 books from my classical book must reads
  91. Support a girl in Africa
  92. Continue to meet with home group 
  93. Write that letter to that person I have been meaning to 
  94. Continue to blog at Themommymiles and at Quotidian Scotts
  95. Finish my ESOL endorsement
  96. Take test to get my ESOL certificate
  97. Next school year use computer program to record grades instead of my old-school notebook
  98. Reorganize files
  99. Reread Teach Like a Champion this summer
  100. Actively participate in Nike Lesson Study

Make your own to-do list! 
  • It must be a measurable goal (when you have completed your goal, is it a definite yes or no...example of an immeasurable goal: be a better person)
  • Think about the areas of your life, your to-do list should reflect the different things that are important to you.
  • Keep it balanced, don't neglect your family, self, or friends
  • Write it down somewhere where you'll see it on a regular basis
  • Revist the list throughout the year
  • CROSS those puppies OFF!!! (enjoy the rush of accomplishment)
  • Share them with someone! 

Fellow bloggers, if you do a resolution list/to-do list/goals- leave a link on our comments, I'd LOVE to read them and be inspired!!!
2012, here we come!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

HBBC Weekly recap (week 5)

Okay so last week I set a goal for myself to get more than 7 points this week! Wow, this week went by fast.

Sat 12/17- 
Sun 12/18-
Mon 12/19- Jillian workout video + 20 min stretch/abs = 2
Tues 12/20- 
Wed 12/21- ran 2.5 + 20 min stretch/abs = 3.5
Thur 12/22 - ran 2 miles = 2  (though I also cleaned for 2 hours straight so that should count for something!)
Fri 12/23-

Grand Total = 7.5

So weak. I admit I am very disappointed with myself. I have no idea where the days go sometimes and I think I often don't think it's been as long between workouts as it has been. I will admit right now that I don't think I will get anything in this weekend with it being Christmas and family being here. I don't think my hubby would be too thrilled if I ditched his fam (when they're only here for 2 days) and went out for a run. But let's see if I can at least beat 7.5 next week, even if I have to get those points in just a couple day span. I am envious of you crazy marathon runners right now, but right now I am just not in that shape. 


Jess' points badadaddadadadadaddaddadadadadad (drumroll)
2 points!!!
Yay for veggies!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from The Mommy Miles

Our little ones wanted to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas!


yes, there's a hanger on my, I don't know why

Friday, December 23, 2011

Secret Santa and the hospital...

This week has been a mixed bag. My surgery went great (stapedectomy in my right ear). However, it stinks to be on the couch, unable to hold my sweet girls, dizzy, uncomfortable, and drugged...BUT I am SO grateful that I have a loving family who steps in to help with the girls, friends that bring me food and paint my nails, and a husband who takes such amazing care of me. Not to mention receiving treatment that will restore my hearing....that is a great Christmas gift. 

Some pictures to make you jealous:
hot stuff!

Showing off my hospital gown's heating mechanism...seriously it had hot air blowing in....and yes, I liked it. 

Totally loopy, and happy. Just out of surgery

and in other news... Santa lives in Baltimore,  at least my Santa does. I participated in the Daily Mile's Secret Santa and it was so fun to send something off to another runner across the country, and then get something too! I love the running community and am continually blown away by the comradery and friendships that are created within this sport. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Running Role Model

Personally, I do not love running with my daughter in the BOB stroller. I am very very grateful to have a BOB and the ability to take my daughter on runs outside with me, but it does make it more difficult to run and if I had it my way, I would prefer to run solo. Although I do not necessarily prefer running with my daughter, she absolutely LOVES running with me. She is almost 21 months old and when she sees me put on workout clothes and toss my hair in a pony tail, she gladly fetches my running shoes and says "run, run, run" as she prances around in her best running interpretation of mommy. Often times when we are home and done with the run, she exclaims "again!". She has even taken to running around the house with her dolly in her little toy stroller. It's simply blissful.

Any mother will say that she wants to be a positive role model for her child. Through these little actions and my daughters excitement to simply go running with me, it really makes me feel like I am leaving a positive impression on my daughter. If I can't get my booty up to run for myself, then I should do it for her. I truly hope I can always be a healthy role model for my child (and future children...eventually) and I hope I will always strive to push myself to "run run run".

After the race with my biggest fan

In what ways are you a role model for your children? Or nieces and nephews, or friends children (if you don't have your own)?


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You are what you eat...

Then I am a big fat Christmas cookie!
Today is day 3 of being on bed rest. My surgery went well and I think I will be back at it (running, holding my babies, blowing my nose) in no time. At least that is what I am telling myself. I feel bloated from all the extra liquid that got pumped into me. My body feels restless. I made the mistake of stepping on the scale...will not be doing that again until after the holidays. 

Back to me being a Christmas cookie... I have been thinking a lot about what I eat. I really believe in fueling your body with healthy, whole foods. I think there is still much to be discovered in the healing powers of food. I get excited when I watch these videos of people taking extreme measures to correct and cure their diseases.

I also think that we have a problem of too many choices. We have so much at our fingertips we forget what a luxury it is to go to the grocery store and fill up our carts with whatever meets our fancy. Or we are so overstimulated with food options that we pass right by the basics, the whole foods... and by "we", I of course mean me. I also think that my eating habits are mostly pretty healthy...but definitely needs some fine tuning. 

Here are the links to two of the movies I watched in the last 24 hours that I think make for great discussions:
 and a youtube of Michael Pollen talking about his book, Omnivore's Dilemma

Next week I am posting my running & fitness goals of better believe that there will be some healthy eating goals on there.

But here are my questions for you:
How do you view your eating habits?
What's your biggest indulgences?
What do you think about America's diet?


Monday, December 19, 2011

Reminiscing: my first competitive race

The other day I was looking through some of our old photos online and bumped into photos from my very first 10k! To back up, I did track in high school and ran for fun in college but this 10k in 2006 was the first race I ever ran competitively. Leave it to me to skip a 5k and go straight for the 10k.

I was living in Vancouver, BC which is such a healthy and motivating place to live. Everyone is fit, there are amazing trails to run, the scenery is gorgeous and it never gets too hot. This 10k was called the Richmond Flatlands 10k. Did you say flat? Sign me up!

I ran it by myself and it rained the entire run and my pony tail was just one large "dread" at the end but it was such an awesome experience and the race that truly set me on my course of bring a runner.

My first race packet and first race tee!
Off I go!
The last push

Made it!
It's so fun to remember back. A lot has changed in the last 5 years and it will be so fun to look back on these photos in another five!

Readers: Do you remember your first competitive race?


Sunday, December 18, 2011

HBBC update week 4

It is week four of the HBBC update and I can't believe we've been tracking for 4 weeks! Time is flying!
I realized as I went to log in my miles tonight that Katie and I recorded last week's points wrong. We went all the way to the 10th but we were suppose to only log our points through the 9th, this week was Dec 10-16...and since we are so close to winning (just kidding), I felt like it was worth making it right.

Here's my week-o-fun:
Saturday 12/10 3 mile run 3 points (went back and corrected last week's points, don't worry)
Sunday 12/11
Monday 12/12 2 miles 2 points plus 60 minute hell Body Sculpting 4 points (not sure on the points for body sculpting, but I am going to go with the low-impact cardio because it was circuit training...what do you think??)
Tuesday 12/13 1 point for seven fruit/veggie serving
Wednesday 12/14 3 mile run 3 points
Thursday 12/15 2 mile run 2 points
Friday 12/16 3 mile run 3 points

Week 4's total= 18 points total

Happy eating  running!!!


Unfortunately for me, counting last weeks points wrong did not really benefit me for this week since I didn't do anything on Saturday, Dec 10th. Bummer. Jess had a much better week than me, but I am not complaining as I am happy to just be moving my buns. 

Okay, week 4 (wow!), here you go:

Sat 12/10 -
Sun 12/11-
Mon 12/12- (yep, that's 3 lazy days in a row...don't judge!)
Tues 12/13- Ran 3 miles = 3 points
Weds 12/14- 20 min Jillian Michaels video = 1 point (actually not sure if this is 1 or 2??)
Thurs 12/15- Ran 2 miles + 20 min stretch/abs = 3 points
Fri 12/16-

TOTAL= 7 points
Oh wow, and now it's Christmas week. I think I will make it a goal to get more than 7 points during Christmas week, I think it's totally doable. 

On to week 5!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Forced Break

I've been going hard this least harder than the last few weeks. And for good reason. I have a forced break coming up. I am having surgery next Monday to correct my hearing in my right ear and the suggested rest time is 3 WEEKS!!! Gulp. 

There is a part of me, bigger than I'd like to admit, that is scared of "taking a rest" and not running for three weeks. Will I lose all I have worked so hard for? We all know how quickly we lose our endurance, but it is something more that just losing the miles. I think there is a genuine fear that I will lose my drive and motivation

Do you remember your first steps off the couch? Maybe you've always been a runner/athlete and can't relate to that. But for me, there have been definite seasons in my life where I have been really inactive. I was heavy and uncomfortable in my own skin. I have worked hard to rid my life of any trace of that old person, those old bad habits, and that harmful attitude. 

But even in the midst of my worry, I have a it's bigger than that....a flame of hope and encouragement. I have such a great support group with my family (I know the hubs is going to take such good care of me), friends, and this running blog to keep me on track.

Have you ever had to take a forced break from running? 

Have you ever worried about "losing" your miles, speed, motivation in running? 

What has kept your attitude afloat during a break?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2 Mile Limit

Just like Jess, I am also in the "in between" in terms of training. I currently don't have anything that I am training for so I am just running for fitness and so that I don't forget how to run. I've been doing fine and meeting my goal of running at least 3 times per week. I usually set out with a goal in mind to run three or four miles, however I am finding it really difficult to get past 2 miles. More often than not, I accept defeat, run 2 miles and call it quits. While running 2 miles is better than not running at all, I just know that I am not going to get any better if I don't push myself.

Yesterday I set out to run 3 miles, probably within the first 5 minutes I started to slowly convince myself that actually running 2 miles would be good enough. I am tired, I have lots to do, so 2 miles would be fine. Then I remembered my feelings about this "two mile limit" that I have been struggling with and just decided I was going to run a familiar route which I was pretty sure was around 3 miles and just head home from there. I made it, ran just over 3 miles and in the end was very happy I pushed myself beyond the 2.

While this break from training is nice and honestly running in the winter is hard and I imagine that winters are always going to be a bit of an "off season" for me, I am looking forward to having a bit more structure and working towards a half marathon again!

Now let's see if I can get out of my head, push my body hard and truly get beyond this 2 mile limit!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wanted: Your Thoughts on Training Plans

I love personality you? Often words like "perfectionist", "detail oriented", or "planner" end up in the description of who I am. It also cracks me up when someone will say, "oh, you're really laid back!" and then the next minute another person might say, "wow, can you say controlling???" I guess we all have our own definitions/personality qualifications. Anyway, when it comes to running I think personality plays a HUGE role. 

I would love to be the kind of runner that is self-motivated. It would be so lovely to get my booty out the door and just run 6 miles because it feels good. But the truth is I would never do that. Seriously, never

However, if a piece of paper titled, "Training Schedule" tells me that today I need to run 6 miles, you better believe this goody-two-shoes is gonna get it done. I hate not following the rules. So, as you can imagine this *break* between training is great...but hard. I am salivating for my next training schedule. For some guidance in my workouts!!! What is my goal and how in the heck am I going to reach it?

My past two half marathons were done with a free online training schedule. I can't even tell you who it was by or where I got it from. I also edited it a tad to fit my schedule a little better. This time around (that's right...Katie and I are planning our next HALF!!!! Details later, promise), I want a training schedule that I can really commit to. I also am excited because I have grown so much as a runner, I know this next season is going to feel different!

Here are some interesting things I've been researching (yes, I am a researcher too):

1. Hal Higdon- His training programs come in every form, web, phone, and book. 

2. Jeff Galloway- Free (always a great price) online training...not sure if it is enough though??

 3. Runnersworld- There are a ton of options available

 4. I DON'T KNOW!! None of these are really resonating with me...I need your help!

So readers, I would L-O-V-E your input. 

1. What is your go to training plan? Why do you love it?
2. Is your personality a "stick-with-the-plan" kinda deal or "make it up as I go"?
3. How do you prefer your training to be brought to you? via smartphone? book? internet?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Booty Buster - Week 3 recap (Katie & Jess)

HBBC recap for week 3: December 4-10

Well, it was another crummy week in terms of points but personally I had a great week. We took family photos, got into the Christmas spirit with my daughter, put up our Christmas Tree, had fun times with friends and family and I got a new client (I'm a doula). Really, I can't complain even if my HBBC points are minimal.

Sun 12/4 - nope
Mon 12/5- none
Tues 12/6- Ran 3 miles = 3 points (ran with my daughter in the BOB and had a great time!)
Wed 12/7- nada
Thurs 12/8- Ran 2 mi/stretch abs 20 min=3 points
Fri 12/9- Ran 2.2 miles = 2 points
Sat 12/10- zip

TOTAL=8 points

I did walk to the park during the week at one point but I didn't keep track of how far that was, so oh well. I am hoping the snow holds off a little longer so I can get in more outside runs instead of resorting to the treadmill (though I am very thankful to have a treadmill). 


Week 3 in all her glory:

Sun 12/4 - 3 mile virtual race PR baby! 3 points
Mon 12/5- 3 miles on treadmill at the gym 3 points
Tues 12/6- rest + veggies 1 point
Wed 12/7- flu-thought I was dying
Thurs 12/8- only slightly better
Fri 12/9- nothing
Sat 12/10- 3 miles 3 points

TOTAL=10 points
 Okay, not a lot of glory there. But "okay" considering I was SICK...AGAIN! Sheesh! I have one more week of workouts and then I have three weeks of post-surgery taking it easy. I better practice eating my veggies and fruit for those extra points! 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Myrtl Routine

Have you heard of the Myrtl Routine?? The Myrtl Routine is meant to help strengthen your hip girdle area which is so important for a runner.

"Many running injuries can be traced back to weak hips, defined by a lack of mobility in the hip girdle complex and a lack of strength. When runners lack mobility and strength in the pelvis other running muscles, ligaments and tendons begin to work harder and do more than they are intended to do during the running motion." -Nathan Cropper (Glastonbury River Runners)

I was referred to this routine by a fellow runner friend and I think it is just fantastic. I will often take a break during a run to even get in a few of these exercises (sometimes I can't remember them all). The best part is that it's a pretty quick yet truly beneficial routine! Hope you all enjoy if you don't already know about this.


2012 race calendar

So, you never really know what a year will bring. With that said...this is what I hope 2012 will look like:

January Y2K12
February?? can't find one that fits into my busy schedule! Any virtual races you know of?
March Shamrock

This marks the end of my 12x12 but I think I might want to finish 2012 with races each month. 

August I would LOVE to participate in Hood to Coast but I don't think I have a spot
September Pints to Pasta
October Half Marathon #2...not sure which one yet??
November Turkey Trot
December Jingle Bell

Cheers to goals and looking ahead! I sure do love this time of year! I am working on my running goals (other then just these races) too, will post them soon!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My biggest reason/excuse for not getting up and moving


It's as simple and complex as that. With sweating comes the need to shower, with showering comes the need to "get ready", to do my hair, makeup, pick out an outfit, etc. So my one hour run/workout then turns into another hour of getting ready. For a mom, this is a lot of time, often too much time. Sure, I can take my toddler on a run with me but then what do I do with her while I shower and get ready? (This is my continuous parental battle, anyway. Tips?).

Also, I personally have thin, limp and oily hair and therefore I only wash my hair every other day to keep it from being too ridiculously oily (get it?). For me, my perfect time to workout is the morning of "day 3" (hair washing day) before the day has begun. Ideally before my daughter is awake (though this is a gamble). But "day 3" only rolls around every other day and sometimes that is just not often enough, especially if I am training for a big race. I wish I was one of those girls who could head out the door looking cute -instead of homeless- with no make up, jeans and a hoodie and my hair still wet from the shower, but that is not a reality for me and it always takes a little more effort than I'd like to admit (and the finished product is still very simple and casual). I often think how much easier it would be to have no hair at all, but I don't think my husband would be too fond of that. So the struggle with sweat and oily hair continues. Dry shampoo is my friend and it works fairly well, but still, the effort it takes to shower away the workout is just sometimes not feasible. I am constantly in awe of mothers who can workout once, even twice a day sometimes and seem to not have this issue.

Am I alone in this? Does anyone have any tips or words of encouragement for this sweaty mom?

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Jingle Bell Run That Wasn't

My whole family and I have been sick this weekend. Lots of snot, lots of moaning, lots of pathetic lounging about...but that was just me, the rest of the family is not quite so ridiculous when they are ill. So when the alarm went off Sunday morning to head to my Jingle Bell run, I moaned and tried to breath through my nose, wasn't happening. I cleared my throat, ouch. Justin said he should probably keep the girls at home since they were sick, but that I could still go for it if I was feeling up to it. That was enough motivation for me to hit snooze, and cozy in for another hour's sleep. 
But then the self-loathing began. I was so mad at myself for not just getting up and getting it done. For one, I had paid 25 big ones to participate in this race. Also, this was my December race, and time is precious in December. When was I going to make it up? Feeling defeated I sniffled my way through our blogroll. When I was at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls I saw that she had particpated in a virtual 5k hosted by another blog, A So-Called Runner


It is a powerful and heartbreaking story that motivated this virtual 5K and suddenly I felt like my sniffles were nothing. So I asked Justin if he would cheer me on from the car (yes, I am shameless in seeking fans) and laced up. 
 one of my better running outfits (that's a joke...seriously)

Friday on the phone to Katie I had said my two goals ( I hadn't considered that particpating in the race should have been one of them) were to:
A. run the race at a 9:30 pace (which for this tortoise would be very fast)
and if A didn't work out then 

B. run the race in under 30 minutes (which is really only a little slower than the first goal)
I set out with my trusty Garmin and my tunes and felt great. I was about a half a mile into it when I realized I had been running way too fast. I was right at a 9 minute pace and was already sucking air. I slowed a little and tried to focus on being steady. It dawned on me that I have no idea how to pace myself for this kind of race. My last few races have been distance and slow and steady is the name of that game. But going fast, or faster, is a whole new idea...

 almost half way
I saw my husband parked ahead but the Garmin said I was only at 1.4 so I ran a little farther and turned around. My fans cheered. I was slowing on the way home, I could feel it without checking my watch. When I hit the .5 mark I kicked it up, feeling the stab of a side ache but not caring. So close. I passed my house because I wasn't quite to a 5k and circled around at the next stop sign. I stopped my watch. I had done it. A tired smile was on my face as I lay sprawled across my front porch. 
December race? Check!

holding up the proof!