Monday, December 5, 2011

The Jingle Bell Run That Wasn't

My whole family and I have been sick this weekend. Lots of snot, lots of moaning, lots of pathetic lounging about...but that was just me, the rest of the family is not quite so ridiculous when they are ill. So when the alarm went off Sunday morning to head to my Jingle Bell run, I moaned and tried to breath through my nose, wasn't happening. I cleared my throat, ouch. Justin said he should probably keep the girls at home since they were sick, but that I could still go for it if I was feeling up to it. That was enough motivation for me to hit snooze, and cozy in for another hour's sleep. 
But then the self-loathing began. I was so mad at myself for not just getting up and getting it done. For one, I had paid 25 big ones to participate in this race. Also, this was my December race, and time is precious in December. When was I going to make it up? Feeling defeated I sniffled my way through our blogroll. When I was at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls I saw that she had particpated in a virtual 5k hosted by another blog, A So-Called Runner


It is a powerful and heartbreaking story that motivated this virtual 5K and suddenly I felt like my sniffles were nothing. So I asked Justin if he would cheer me on from the car (yes, I am shameless in seeking fans) and laced up. 
 one of my better running outfits (that's a joke...seriously)

Friday on the phone to Katie I had said my two goals ( I hadn't considered that particpating in the race should have been one of them) were to:
A. run the race at a 9:30 pace (which for this tortoise would be very fast)
and if A didn't work out then 

B. run the race in under 30 minutes (which is really only a little slower than the first goal)
I set out with my trusty Garmin and my tunes and felt great. I was about a half a mile into it when I realized I had been running way too fast. I was right at a 9 minute pace and was already sucking air. I slowed a little and tried to focus on being steady. It dawned on me that I have no idea how to pace myself for this kind of race. My last few races have been distance and slow and steady is the name of that game. But going fast, or faster, is a whole new idea...

 almost half way
I saw my husband parked ahead but the Garmin said I was only at 1.4 so I ran a little farther and turned around. My fans cheered. I was slowing on the way home, I could feel it without checking my watch. When I hit the .5 mark I kicked it up, feeling the stab of a side ache but not caring. So close. I passed my house because I wasn't quite to a 5k and circled around at the next stop sign. I stopped my watch. I had done it. A tired smile was on my face as I lay sprawled across my front porch. 
December race? Check!

holding up the proof!


  1. YES!! You are awesome. I am so so proud of you for accomplishing your goals and doing it while you're sick too! Incredible. I love the pics, you look so skinny minny! Yeah girl!

  2. great job on your run and thank you so much for participating in it, means a whole lot to me!!

    I am always so bummed when I time my run to have to go past my house again...I am like...nooooooo let me stop!
